Sunday, November 4, 2012

Beyond Duty - More Photos of Mac & Gunny

The goodreads M/M Romance group did there annual group anthology, This year the event was called, "Love is Always Write." I searched through the photos and letters and found this photo posted by  Virginia:
asking that their story be told. I fell in love with the photo and was lucky enough that no one had chosen it and Mac & Gunny's story was told in Beyond Duty.  I recently found some more photos of Bo Ladashevska (the one facing us) and Guy Primeau and had to share. (The site gives permission to post them and you can check it out HERE)

I hadn't seen these photos until just recently but now that I have, I'm shocked at how well they work with the story I told and shows Bo aka "Gunny" as the submissive. I can't think Virginia enough for inspiring Beyond Duty and a HUGE thank you to all those who have read and rated "Beyond Duty" on All Romance Ebooks. Five months after it was published it's still listed in the top 5 highest rated BDSM books. Thank  you! 
(If you haven't read it you can check it out HERE for free)

Beyond Duty

By: SJD Peterson | Other books by SJD Peterson
Published By: SJD Peterson
Published: Jun 06, 2012
Word Count: 9,296
Heat Index     
Price: $0.00
Available in: Epub, Mobipocket (.mobi), Adobe Acrobat
Categories: Gay BDSM Contemporary
genre: contemporary
tags: BDSM; sexy marines; DADT; flogging; bondage; dirty talk; misunderstanding
content warnings: none
words: 9,296
Reader Rating:  starstarstarstarstar
Sensuality Rating:   lipliplipliplip


  1. It was a great story and those pictures fit it so well.

    1. I know right!!! I was actually shocked at how perfect these pics told the story I wrote. :)
